Welcome to Austin and congrats on your first job! Sorry about the heat. Now, let’s talk about financial literacy. Austin’s best financial coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, has met with lots of new grads and first-time employees in Austin. We know what is happening out there! Want to get an idea of how to handle finances? Try this simple test: Ask the elders in your life (parents, grandparents, professors, bosses, etc.) if they could
Best Financial Literacy Class in Austin, Texas
Who needs a financial literacy class in Austin? You have a great job with decent pay, your apartment is near Barton Springs, you get to run the trail with your border collie and you just set up a date with that new assistant account manager. Life is great in Austin, Texas! Well, there is that small problem about running out of money by the end of each month. Maybe it is because you owe tons
{…}Best Finanical Coach in Austin 2019 - Yelp
Yelp requires its business customers to choose a “business category.” The term Finanical Coach is not offered as an option. Therefore, Yelp cannot point you to their “Best Financial Coach in Austin” or finanical literacy. When you ask Yelp for the Best Financial Coach in Austin, you are directed to high-priced Financial Advisors who may require a minimum balance, $500,000 for example, or require clients to sign up for years of service with high annual
{…}June 2019 - Amanda, Austin
Our time with Chuck was priceless! He is so helpful at strategizing and planning financially, and generally a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend his services— whether you’re in dire straights or just want to make sure you have all of the knowledge you need to live financially comfortably.
Best Employee Perks for Austin Businesses
Looking for a different type of benefit or perk to reward your hardworking Austin employees? One that will increase their ability to focus on work and be more productive? Ever consider financial training by the best Money Coach in Austin? A 2017 Bank of America study found that 67% of millennials say financial stress overtakes their ability to focus and be productive at work. They also want employers to bring in professionals to teach debt
{…}Need A Little Helping Getting Financially Organized?
Do you need an Austin Financial Coach? You make a pretty good income, have a nice house, drive a new car and send the kids to private school. But you also pay credit card bills, school loans, car payments and a mortgage – while trying to save for retirement and the kids’ college tuition. Yikes – that is a lot to handle unless you are super organized. Should you pay off a credit card or
{…}First Job? Five Tips on Winning Your Retirement
Congrats on your first job! Now start planning for retirement. The number one factor in obtaining wealth is time. The more years you have until retirement, the more you will benefit from compound interest and automatic reinvestments. Start NOW or you’ll be sorry in 2080! Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, has five tips for newly-minted graduates who are entering the workforce. Begin saving now and you’ll be rich enough to enjoy your
{…}How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Painlessly
Anybody in Austin, Texas have credit card debt? I saw a lot of hands go up…. Getting into credit card debt is easy. We know! Getting out of credit card debt is hard, sometimes very hard. But you have to make the sacrifice if you want to end this nightmare. Maybe cancel cable or Netflix or gym membership? Deliver pizza on weekends? Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach and Financial Advisor, developed a
{…}February 2019 - Mary, Austin
Thanks Chuck! We’re feeling great about the meeting and we finalized our budget for the first time today. Thanks for all of your help!
{…}4 Hours with an Austin Money Coach - $149
Are you one of the many Austin families who bring home a good income (maybe two good incomes) but never seem to have enough money at the end of the month? Do you ever wonder how you are going to pay all the monthly bills for your mortgage, school loans, car payments, credit card bills, home equity loan, boat loan and still have money left to eat? Do you ever feel that your financial situation