Live Way, Way Below Your Means Our Austin Money Coach wants everyone to live “below their means.” Way, way below their means actually! OK, but what does “means” mean? Look at it this way, if you bring home (your take home pay after taxes and deductions) $3,000 a month, your means is $3,000. To live below your means, you would set up a personal budget to live on $2,900 a month. To live way, way
Using a Household Budget to Get Out of Debt
Can using a budget help you get out of debt? Of course! In fact you must use a family budget to get out of debt! Have you ever gotten to the end of the month and run out of money before all the bills are paid? A household budget will “gently” force you to pay your debts, your rent or mortgage, your food and utilities so that you know how much you can actually spend
{…}Should you switch to a 0% interest credit card?
Should you switch to a 0% interest credit card? The answer seems simple, right? But, before you switch, think about why the credit card companies make these offers. Are they trying to help a family struggling to get out debt? Nope. The card companies, such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express, are publically traded companies who answer only to their shareholders. They are corporations, not charities, and they see big profits to be made with
{…}Top 3 Best Financial Coaches in Austin
For only $149, our Financial Coach provides financial education and teaches you how to handle your money like an adult! That is why our survey found that Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, has one of Austin’s top 3 Financial Coaches. You know that financial stress you feel around the 27th of each month? Well, for the cost of one night out on 6th Street, your finances will be organized and you will become confident in your