Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value Charles is a fantastic person and source of knowledge to speak with regarding your finances. My partner and I were looking for a fresh view of our finances – where we are and where we would like to be – as quickly and responsibly as possible. Charles will not only give you ample time to speak with him regarding your situation (3+ hours – WOW total steal), he will help
How to Get FREE College, Work Experience and Adventure at 18

How to Get FREE College, Work Experience and Adventure at 18 The US military offers thousands of exciting jobs, with training and real experience. Sign up for 3 years and boom – FREE college, Veteran status for life and an impressive resume. OK Moms, stop worrying, your little boy or girl is all grown up and wants to learn about the world. Don’t hold them back because they might get dirty or miss the annual
{…}One-on-One With Austin Financial Coach $149

Let 2022 be the year you get your finances in order. Time to act like an adult with your money! To get started, contact Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach. Is this you: Great job, decent pay, nice apartment, school loans, credit card debt, car loan and no idea where your money goes every month? No budget, no plan and no idea how to get started? Need a financial expert to assist organizing
{…}Austin's Best New Year's Resolution 2022 - End Your Financial Stress

Want to finally get organized and end your financial stress in 2022? Austin’s best Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC can show you how. You have a great job and make a decent income, so why can’t you figure out how to pay your bills, rent, school loans and car payments on time? You earn the money, but where does it all go? Why can’t you save anything? Why is this so hard? Make
{…}Austin's Best Stocking Stuffer is Austin's Best Financial Coach!

So, what is the best stocking stuffer in Austin? A gift certificate for a one-on-one session with Austin’s best Financial Coach at Captial Budget Strategies, LLC. Maybe someone on your list makes a good income, but just cannot seem to keep their finances organized. Maybe they have school loans, credit card debt or a house payment they cannot manage. Why not provide some help? For only $149, our Austin Money Coach will help determine their
{…}End Your Financial Stress in 2022

Ever worry about money when you should be working? Ever go out with friends and worry about splitting the check? Ever worry you will not have enough money at the end of the month? Ready to stop worrying and finally do something about it? Not having a Financial Plan in place could be a major cause of your money stress. Let 2022 the year you find financial freedom! Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial
{…}Five Easy Steps to Avoid Debt During 2021 Holiday Season

Ready for some holiday shopping? Use this easy 5-step plan to avoid going into credit card debt this holiday season. (Please refer to the attached photo): STEP 1: Review your financial situation. Come up with a realistic amount you can spend without going into credit card debt. STEP 2: Draw a chart with 3 columns (See photo) • Column 1: Title this column, NAME. List every person on your gift list. • Column 2: Title
My fiancé and I cannot recommend Charles enough for the value he has added to our financial knowledge. He was thorough and simplified concepts that at first seemed daunting. We now have an actionable plan for our financial future and feel confident about entering the next chapter of our lives. Thank you so much Charles!
15 Questions Our Financial Coach Can Answer

During a one-on-one session with the Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, we will answer many questions, including: (1) Should I save for my daughter’s college or fund my retirement? (2) Which credit card should I pay off first? (3) How much house can I really afford? (4) Am I saving enough for retirement? (5) Do I really need life insurance? (6) Can we afford a Hawaiian honeymoon? (7) Should
{…}Why Hire a Money Coach?

Many of our clients earn a good income, but simply are too busy, or too nervous, to deal with their own finances. We understand the hesitation. Along with managing a family, maybe caring for parents and working fulltime, who has the energy to pay the rent, car loans, school loans, credit cards and get financially organized? The Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, has an idea – let us simplify