A personal budget is the key to financial security! But you hate the thought of a personal budget, right? Well, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best financial coach, makes it super easy.
Here is an example of budgeting: Supposed the boss appoints you to plan an office party for winning HQ2. She says make sure to have beer, lots of decorations, pizza and no anchovies!
Hopefully, you will ask these questions: What day? How many people? How much do I have to spend? Seems pretty logical. So why not treat your personal income the same way?
For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, will sit down with you, your bank statements, your bills, your pay stub and any other financial statements you have and conduct a complete financial review.
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, will help you set up a personal budget, an emergency fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan. We will meet at your office, your home or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! Our Austin money coach will meet you during the week, on weekends or in the evening.
Here are two questions you need to ask yourself about your personal finances:
1. How much income do I have coming in?
2. What are my expenses?
Let’s say you bring home $2,000 a month (after taxes). How much can you spend a month on housing, food, entertainment, school loans, credit cards, car payment, clothes, phone, computer and donations?
This isn’t a trick question! You can spent $2,000 a month. Money in = money out.
If you are spending too much you have two choices:
(1) Bring more money in (get a higher paying job, a second job, have a garage sale, sell your car and but a cheaper used one, deliver pizza on weekends, drive Uber, etc.)
(2) Spend less (get a roommate, cancel cable, take the bus, quit the gym, eat out less, move to a cheaper apartment, etc).
Our Austin money coach will work with you step-by-step to finally organize your finances! Once set up, your finances will be on autopilot so you don’t have to think (or worry) about it every month.
Give Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best financial coach, approximately four hours of your time and we’ll change the way you think about your finances. That is only one’s night worth of TV!
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