OK, be honest.
How much time did you spend watching TV last week? Let me guess – too much.
And what did that “experience” add to your life? Let me guess again – not much.
May I make a suggestion?
Consider spending just one night’s worth of sitting in front of the big screen working on your personal finances. I know, making a budget is not as much fun as watching “The Crown” on Netflix, but you are an adult now. Time to cowboy (or cowgirl) up!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best budget coach, works with you to finally get your finances in order. But before you can start building wealth and saving for retirement, you have to get your credit card debt and school loans in order, build an emergency fund, know your cash flow and create a budget.
We help you do all this in just a few hours – sitting in your own dining room or at the local Starbucks. (We even buy the coffee).
Remember studying for final exams? You were going to start studying just as soon as you cleaned the car windows, alphabetized your bookcase and deleted some old e-mails. Anything but study! But once you finally got to the books, it wasn’t so bad.
We understand your hesitation – that is why we are with you every baby step of the way! We call it the “Walk, Jog, Run” method. Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, provides different levels of support, all at very reasonable prices.
Now turn off that TV!
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