If you have a job and income, but are overwhelmed with paying credit card debt, school loans, rent or mortgage, all while trying to save for retirement, let us change your financial life for only $149!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC is an inexpensive, flat-fee service and the best value in Austin. We do not sell any investments or earn commissions. More importantly, unlike most other Austin financial advisors and money coaches, we work solely in YOUR best interest.
With our proven 8-step process and worksheets, we will determine your true net worth, build your monthly financial Budget, set up an Emergency Fund, create a personalized Snowball Debt Reduction Plan to pay off your debt and set you on the path to start saving for the future!
Together, we will organize your finances!
In just a few hours in your home, your office, local library, Starbucks or other selected location, we will change the way you think about money. We are available to meet any day, including evenings and weekends.
After working together with your financial records, you will know the exact amount of what money you are bringing in and the exact amount of what money is going out. Based on this information, you will never again think you “deserve” that expensive, little black dress or a new personal watercraft, unless you can actually “afford” it!
For only $199, we will provide all the features above, plus add one additional follow-up session to check your progress and help you amend your budget, if needed.
We also offer our popular Money and Sense Lectures, suitable for large groups at corporate off-sites, business luncheons or meetings of any private or public organization. Each participant receives a workbook which is completed step-by-step in class. They leave with a full understanding of their true financial situation and what they need to do to improve it. Taking care of your Austin employees’ money worries is the perfect employee perk!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC is a Texas-certified 100% Veteran-owned business.
We offer a 10% discount to all military and nonprofits.
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