Capital Budget Strategies, LLC of Austin, provides Austin’s best flat-fee, inexpensive services. We do not work for commissions or sell any financial products. Plus, unlike most Austin financial advisors, we always work in YOUR best interest.
You have a job with a pretty good income, but also credit card debt, school loans, a mortgage, a car loan and you just can’t keep up. Based on your income, you should be doing great, but it seems you cannot get ahead.
Austin is a great city and there are many fun things to do other than your organize your personal finances, especially when Barton Springs beckons in August!
For only $149, our Austin Financial Advisor and Money Coach will sit down with you to help organize your finances and set you on the path to financial freedom. Together, we will work through the 10 worksheets in our 2017 Financial Workbook to give you a true picture of your financial situation. (You keep the Workbook for future reference).
By the end of our session, you will have a personalized monthly budget, an Emergency Fund, a Snowball Debt Reduction Plan and some great ideas on how to cut spending.
Yes, it will involve some sacrifice, maybe a lot. You may have to pass on your friend’s birthday at Uchi or that trip to see Hamilton on Broadway in Manhattan, but it will be worth it!
Think about this: You know how much you spend paying off your debts each month (car loan, school loans and credit cards)? Well once you are debt free you will have that same amount to put into savings. Now that is worth the sacrifice!
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