Austin’s top financial advisor and money coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC wants you to cut up your credit cards!
Sounds crazy, right?
But think about it, your grandparents never had credit cards. They saved up their money to buy something. You should follow Grandma’s lead.
People use credit cards to buy things they cannot afford, but want. They borrow money at crazy interest rates such as 22%!
Take Capital Budget Strategies, LLC’s “Austin Credit Card Destruction Challenge!” Cut up your credit cards and send us the video. We’ll post it on our Facebook page and our YouTube Channel. You’ll be a member of Austin’s Wall on Honor!
You can do it.
Check out ways we can help you starting at only $149. Capital Budget Strategies, LLC of Austin is an inexpensive, flat-fee service. We always have YOUR best interest in mind.
We also offer Financial Education Classes for the workplace. What a great employee perk!
Start your path to financial freedom – cut up those credit cards!
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