How do you know if you can really afford a summer vacation? Easy, just determine how you are going to pay. If you said cash, have fun and don’t forget the sunscreen.
If you said credit card, sorry better look for a “staycation.”
Remember, you may deserve a summer vacation, but that does not mean you can afford a summer vacation!
Do you make a decent salary but have no idea where your money goes, which bills to pay off first, if you can you afford to buy a house and should you save for your kids’ college or your own retirement? (Hint: There are no loans for retirement).
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, can help you create a budget, set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Program, determine your net worth, save for long-term expenses, review your retirement savings and set up both an Emergency and Survival Fund.
Our Money Coach will provide an unbiased and honest assessment of your family’s finances. He will also provide hints and recommendations to get organized, get out of debt and plan for retirement. Remember, these days everyone funds their own retirement!
For only $149, our Financial Coach will meet with you one-on-one via Zoom Video Conference, no need to leave your home. But be ready, these approximately 4-hour sessions are intense as we go over every aspect of your spending, saving and buying habits. But in the end, you will have a Budget that will pay off your debts and help you save for the future.
Check out our 40 Google 5-Star reviews!
The Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, may even help you enjoy a real vacation next year.
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