Take this test to see if an Austin Finanical Coach could help you:
(1) Do you have income that should cover your monthly expenses, but for some reason does not?
(2) Do you have bills that you think about constantly, such as credit card debt or school loans?
(3) Do you feel overwhelmed by your income, debts, bills and savings?
(4) Are you confused by your finances?
(5) At the end of the month, do you wonder where all your money went?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then a financial coach can help.
For only $149, the Austin Financial Coach from Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, will sit down with you, your spouse or partner (if you have one), your savings and checking account statements, your monthly bills, your credit card statements and your pay stub(s) and conduct a complete financial overhaul.
Working together, we will determine your true Net Worth, analyze your spending, set up a Household Monthly Budget, an Emergency Fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, if needed. We will even give you an idea how well you are doing saving for retirement. Finally, we will review your bank accounts and introduce you to on-line banking.
The $149 cost includes our initial session and an additional session at the 1, 3 or 6 month mark to check your progress and answer any questions.
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet at your home, your office or our home-office. We can meet you during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Give us approximately 4 hours and begin your journey to financial security and winning your retirement.
Question or Comment? Enter it below.