Get your personal finances in shape with Austin’s best Money Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC. We offer one-on-one financial coaching to organize your finances and set you on the path to financial freedom!
OK, one thing I really do not miss from my Army days, is getting up very early and running in formation with 100 fellow, sweaty Soldiers. I have better things to be doing at 6:00 AM (or 0600 hours), like sleep! But what is the best way to get yourself in shape? Generally, it is eat less and exercise more. I know, it’s not as simple as that, but you get the idea.
What is the best way to get your finances in shape? Generally, spend less or earn more.
You might be new to Austin or a recent college graduate and just feel lost about finances. You have a great job and paycheck, but just cannot find the time or energy to figure it all out. Plus there is a cute co-worker in HR who is taking up all your time & energy!
Even though it seems you are spending more than you earn on student loans, credit card bills, rent or mortgage, car loans or grocery bills, there is a good chance that you would be much better off if you just got yourself organized. In other words, get in better financial shape!
For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, will sit down with you and walk you step-by-step through our 2018 Financial Workbook. First we determine your net worth, then how much money you are earning, next we help you set up an Emergency Fund, and finally we create a personalized budget. If you know what is coming in and where it is going, it is easier to save and pay off debt.
Best of all, we set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan that helps you get out of debt, then keep you out of debt. We also ceremoniously cut up your credit cards!
In about 4 hours at your home, your office or any quiet, public space we will teach you how to easily organize your finances. We can meet you during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Let Austin’s best Money Coach help you get on the road to financial freedom. Retirement is just around the corner!
Just like working out at the gym, the hardest part is getting started – or running in formation at 0600 hours!
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