Many of our Austin clients have good incomes, but cannot break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. Living like that causes major financial stress which affects all aspects of their lives.
How to end living like this? One word: Budget!
Budget it not a dirty word – you can, and should, teach it to your kids! What it means is that you create a plan where you do not spend more than you take in. Plus, you first pay the nondiscretionary expenses first, like rent, utilities, car payments and your cell phone bill. Then you take the remaining money and plan for other necessary expenditures, like gas, food, hair care, etc. Finally, you spend the remaining funds, if any, on entertainment, eating out or planning a vacation. If you find you come up short, we’ll help you develop ideas on making more money or spending less.
This is called, “Paying Yourself First.” You spend only what you make, no more and no less!
Let Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach, help you organize your finances and end financial stress. For only $149, our Money Coach will sit down with you and all your financial records, create a personalized household budget, an Emergency Fund, determine your Net Worth, set up a Long-Term Savings Plan and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, if needed. The cost includes the initial session and one follow up visit.
Give our Austin Financial Coach about 4 hours and stop living paycheck to paycheck!
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