Captial Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, wants to help you put your budget on autopilot. We believe in using automatic withdraws, deposits and transfers to make your budgeting easier and therefore more successful.
Our Austin Money Coach has many clients who are just too busy to make all the necessary financial moves every month. We help make it simple by showing you that all your financial transactions are either:
(1) Regular monthly expenses which can be set on auto payment from your checking account (Rent, car payments, school loans, mortgage, cell phone, etc.).
(2) Long-term expenses for which you should be saving every month (Savings, real estate taxes, summer camp, wedding, new car, etc.). If you spent $750 last holiday season, you should be saving $62.50 a month to have that amount available next year.
(3) Cash expenses made daily (Groceries, dry cleaning, gas, entertainment, date night, movies, etc.).
(4) Emergency Fund savings made until you have 3 months of nondiscretionary expenses saved.
Need help getting financially organized? For only $149, our Austin Financial Coach will meet with you to work out a personalized plan. In approximately 4 hours, we will determine your Net Worth, build an Emergency Fund, analyze your spending, savings and income and create a monthly household budget. We will also set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, if needed.
The Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC can meet during the week, in the evening and even on the weekend. We can meet at your home, your office or our home-office in Central Austin.
Let our Austin Financial Coach take away your finanical stress.
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