You make a great salary, send the kids to private school, live in a cool neighborhood and drive a new car. Life is perfect – except your finances are a mess!
The Austin Money Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, can help you organize your money and take the stress out of your personal finances. For only $149, our Financial Coach will meet with you via Zoom Video Conferencing to complete our 2021 Financial Workbook. Together, you and the Financial Coach will determine your Net Worth, your true Income, review your Spending and Saving habits, understand your long-term expenses, create an Emergency Fund and analysis your debt, including credit cards and school loans. You will even learn how to build a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan if required.
Using all this information, our Financial Coach will help you create a personalized, monthly budget to help you reach your goals. You will receive all the completed financial worksheets and your budget, in fillable pdf format, at the end of the session.
Finally, our Austin Money Coach will review your retirement savings and introduce you to the wonders of free on-line banking.
Our sessions take about 4 hours and are pretty intense, so be ready! If you have a spouse or partner with whom you combine your finances, they are welcomed as well. A team effort is always better!
The $149 price includes one additional follow-up session at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark to review your progress.
You make enough money; you just need to get financially organized. Let Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin Best Money Coach, show you the way.
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