What is the difference between a Money Coach and a Financial Advisor? If you live in Austin, Texas the difference is about $850!
A Money Coach will help you organize your finances, set up an Emergency Fund, create a personal budget and build a plan to pay off your debt (credit cards, school loans, car debt, etc.). In Austin, you can hire Austin’s best money coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC for $149.
A Financial Advisor will help you decide if you should buy a managed versus passive mutual fund, which real estate investment trust to buy, which international bond is right for you and which Tesla you should buy. In Austin, you can hire a financial advisor for about $1,000 plus commissions and fees. Yikes!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, will help you set up a personal budget, an emergency fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan. We will meet at your office, your home or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! Our Austin money coach will meet you during the week, on weekends or in the evening.
Here is an example, let’s suppose you have a great job in law, tech, medical or some other exciting field. You make good money, drive a nice car, live high up in a condo but cannot seem to pay down your debt or get a handle of where your money goes every month.
How can that be? You are smart, hardworking, make a good salary, good looking (according to your Mom) and you love your life in Austin! Where does the money go?All you need is a little help from Austin’s best money coach – we will get you on the path to financial freedom. Give Capital Budget Strategies, LLC of Austin, Texas approximately four hours of your time and we’ll change the way you think about your finances.
Think about it, give up the equivalent of just one Monday night football game and you will become financially secure! For only $149. Wow!
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