Can using a budget help you get out of debt? Of course! In fact you must use a family budget to get out of debt!
Have you ever gotten to the end of the month and run out of money before all the bills are paid? A household budget will “gently” force you to pay your debts, your rent or mortgage, your food and utilities so that you know how much you can actually spend on nondiscretionary expenses, such as Hulu, Netflix or your next date-night on South Congress Avenue.
Need help building a household budget? We can help!
For only $149, an Austin Financial Coach from Captial Budget Strategies, LLC, will help you determine your true Net Worth, set up a Household Budget, build an Emergency Fund and create a Snowball Debt Reduction Plan.
Give us approximately 4 hours and we will give you a financial plan for success!
Here is an example. Suppose you have $1,000 in “take home” pay every month. How should that money be distributed? Our Austin Financial Coach will help you figure our your budget so you are paying down your debt, paying all your mandatory expenses and actually know how much you have for entertainment and recreation.
Time to act like an adult with your finances and live on a budget. So, if you want to buy the most expensive SXSW tickets this year, you will have to save up for them or forgo some other expense.
For only $149, the Austin Money Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC will help you set up your family budget and we’ll make it as painless as possible. The real pain will come when you keep getting deeper into debt and avoid building a budget!
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