You know what they say, most divorces are linked to money. Yikes!
Help newlyweds start their marriage off on a solid financial footing by giving the wedding gift of financial literacy. For only $99, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, we meet with the couple via Zoom Conferencing and ask the hard financial questions. The price even includes one free follow-up session at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark.
Since we meet via Zoom, the couple can be located anywhere there is an Internet connection. Our session takes about 4 hours and is pretty intense, so be ready! But once completed, the couple will be organized, motivated and financially literate!
What a great start to a great marriage.
They will learn details about each other’s finances and consider questions rarely asked before a wedding. Questions such as:
(1) What is our true total income?
(2) What is our total family debt?
(3) What is our family’s net worth?
(4) Do we need an Emergency Fund?
(5) Should we have separate checking accounts?
(6) How much should we save for retirement?
(7) Can we afford a house, new car or a child?
(8) How many credit cards do we have?
(9) How to save for long-term expenses?
(10) School loans, life insurance, Wills!
Upon completion of their session with our Money Coach, the newlyweds will have a personalized Monthly Budget, in fillable pdf format, an Emergency Fund, a new appreciation for on-line banking and automatic transfers and a common financial goal!
Look at it this way, having organized finances beats the glass candle holders only used when the couple who gave them the gift come to visit!
As always, discounts for Military, First Responders, Teachers, Medical personnel and Police.
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