Have you ever heard your co-worker complaining about their finances? How they always seem to run out of money before the end of the month and complain that they can’t afford their school loans, car payments, rent and credit card bills? For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, can help anyone in Austin organize their finances. We will help you set up a personal household budget, create an Emergency Fund and
{…}Dollar and Sense Blog
Get Help Building a Household Budget in Austin for $149
Need help building a household budget in Austin? Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, is here to help. Though you are successful at work, maybe even manage other employees, you still can’t figure out your finances. At the end of the month you have no idea where your money went or when you will ever pay off your credit card debt or school loans. For only $149, our Austin Financial Coach will sit
{…}Staying Out of Debt by Living Below Your Means
Hey Austin, why should you live below your Means? What does “Means” mean anyway? Families in Austin get into financial trouble when they live above their Means. When our Austin Money Coaches talks about finanical “Means,” they are referring to your total after-tax income. Here is an example: suppose you earn $50,000 per year, live in South Austin in a cool neighborhood, visit Barton Springs whenever you can and love the Violet Crown Cinema on
{…}What To Do With Your Tax Refund
Hey Austin, what are you doing with your tax refund? Take your significant other to Uchi or a weekend in Fredericksburg? Here is a better idea: Pay off your debts! In a perfect tax world, you would owe the IRS zero and they would owe you zero. That is because your paycheck tax deductions would have paid all your taxes during the year. But that never happens. When you get a tax refund, you have
{…}Need Help Organizing Your Finances?
Hey Austin, how do you know if you need help organizing your finances? Here is a hint: You live in Austin, you consider yourself smart (and good looking), you have a wonderful job, nice home and a great income, but you just cannot seem to pay all your bills, save for retirement, keep track of credit cards and school loans and sometimes wonder if you can make your monthly car payment. If this sounds like
{…}Could Your Family's Finances Survive a Shutdown?
Many people really suffered during the last Federal Government shutdown. Could your family survive if you were not paid for a month or two? Suppose your company shut down or you were laid off or you became injured and unable to work? What if your car broke down and needed a new transmission? How would your personal budget survive the stress? Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach, recommends everyone build an Emergency Fund
{…}Can Your Budget Support a Furlough?
Can your budget support your family if you were placed on furlough? Unfortunately, that is what 800,000 Federal Government employees are finding out right now. One way to know you will be financially secure is to have an Emergency Fund (aka a Survival Fund). Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, teaches our clients how to build an Emergency Fund that will support their families for 5 months. Nondiscretionary (mandatory) expenses include rent, mortgage,
{…}How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck in Austin
Many people in Austin, unfortunately, only survive living paycheck to paycheck. If their pay is disrupted (with a Federal government shutdown, a labor strike or personal injury or sickness), they have serious trouble paying monthly bills. Remember, people from all economic levels live in fear of having their paycheck run out before the end of the month. How to stop this cycle? The choices you have are not going to be easy. They are going
{…}Learning Financial Literacy in Austin
Finding financial education in Austin, or anywhere else, is not easy. That is because financial literacy is not taught in high school, college or even at home. Why? Because people are “afraid” of their finances! They think it is too difficult for them or they are too busy or they are just scared about what they might find out. Sorry Austin, but it is time to be an adult about your money! For only $149
{…}Best Financial Education in Austin in 2019
Most people in Austin do not want or need complicated financial advice. Why discuss the intricacies of “intermediate-term corporate bonds” verses “short-term investment grade bonds” when all they want is help making a personal budget and paying off credit card debt. Most people say, “Once I get my basic financial life organized, then I will worry about having the right investments!” What they need is a great Austin Money Coach who will patiently sit down