Are you one of the many Austin families who bring home a good income (maybe two good incomes) but never seem to have enough money at the end of the month?
Do you ever wonder how you are going to pay all the monthly bills for your mortgage, school loans, car payments, credit card bills, home equity loan, boat loan and still have money left to eat?
Do you ever feel that your financial situation is overwhelming? That you have no idea where your money goes every month? That your finances are too disorganized to sort through on your own? Do you feel that you and your partner might be fighting against each other financially rather than on the same team?
Ever wish you could just sit down with a financial expert and ask all the money questions you have as well as determine your net worth, review and understand your spending patterns, set up a household budget, learn about and build an emergency fund and, finally, create a payment plan for all your debts that actually help you get out of debt?
Well Austin, your financial problems are solved!
For $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach, will sit down with you, your family, your bills and pay stubs and get you financially organized in about 4 hours. During our session, we will walk you through our 2019 Financial Workbook and help you finally understand your cash flow.
Using our proven, step-by-step method, we will help you set up a household budget, an emergency fund, a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan and even provide advice on how many savings and checking accounts you should maintain. We’ll even review your savings to let you know how well you are doing (or not doing) saving for retirement.
Our Money Coach can meet at your home, your office or our home-office. We can meet during the day, in the evening and even on weekends. All we need is a large table, comfy chairs, some coffee and your undivided, total attention for about 4 hours.
Think of it this way, in the time it takes to watch a Saturday college football game, you’ll be on your way to financial independence! Now that is something worth cheering for!
Get financially organized with an Austin Money Coach for only $149.
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