What is the best Cyber Monday deal in Austin, Texas?
A financial review session with Austin best Monday Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC for only $149! Our Cyber Monday Sale includes a 10% discount for all Students, the Military, Law Enforcement, Nurses, Teachers and First Responders.
Along with your approximately 4-hour initial session, the price includes one follow-up session at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark. Wow!
For $149 our Austin Financial Coach will teach you how to handle your money like an adult! First, we determine your true Net Worth, then will analyze your spending and savings, set up a Household Monthly Budget, an Emergency Fund, a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan (if you need one) and even give you an idea how well you are doing saving for retirement. Finally, we will review your bank accounts and introduce you to on-line banking.
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet at your office, your home or our home-office in Central Austin. We can meet during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Give us approximately 4 hours with our Austin Financial Coach to start your journey to financial security. Talk about a Happy Monday!
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