Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Budget Coach, thinks saving on investment expenses is one of the greatest feelings in the world!
We present Budgeting 101 classes at corporate events, church or association functions and even one-on- one to newlyweds and recent college grads!
Using passively-managed Index Funds is a great way to save on your investment expenses. You do not have to pay high management fees, high capital gains or trading fees. Plus, most of those Harvard MBAs or Princeton PhDs fail to beat the market anyway!
So we say if you can’t beat the market, be the market by buying Index Funds! MONEY magazine (April 2016) says, “Over the past decade only about one out of five actively managed domestic and foreign stock funds has managed to beat the indexes they’re measured against. Those long odds are one reason MONEY recommends you use low-cost index funds and ETFs to anchor the bulk, if not all, or your portfolio.”
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