Austin’s best holiday gift this year is the gift of financial freedom! Second best is that Sock Monkey that looks like Prince Charles at the shop on South Congress!
Remember how long it took you to pay off your credit cards from last year’s holiday shopping in Austin? If you said anything past January 2017, we need to talk!
People in Austin buy gifts all year long – Christmas gifts, Hanukkah gifts, birthday gifts, graduation gifts, Valentine’s Day gifts, Engagement gifts, Wedding gifts and even Divorce gifts. Admit it, Austin is a generous city!
The problem occurs when you have to pay for your generosity. Do you pay cash or do you use a credit card? Let me guess…
For only $149, Austin’s most experienced Money Coach and Financial Advisor at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC of Austin, will meet with you one-on-one to discuss your finances. At the end of approximately four hours, you will have a personal budget, an Emergency Fund, a Snowball Credit Card Debt Reduction Plan and your true current net worth.
You will also know exactly how much income you have coming into your household and the exact amount going out! Hint: they should be equal!
Our Austin Money Coach will meet with you at your home, your office or any quiet, private place convenient for you. We can meet during the week, in the evenings or on weekends. Just bring a calculator, all your pay stubs, your credit card and school loan receipts, your bank statements and a big cup of coffee. Then get ready to roll up your sleeves and have a serious, adult conversation about your money!
In the time it takes you to buy that gift for your office “grab bag,” you could be on your way to financial security and financial independence. No more worries about holiday gift buying!
Buy the best holiday gift in Austin, the gift of financial freedom, from Capital Budget Strategies, LLC of Austin!
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