Happy 2017. Now is the time to get serious about your finances.
Our clients: You have job that you (mostly) love with a pretty good income. Congrats – all that college and certification training is paying off. Everything is starting to click in your life – especially with that new hire in accounting!
But you also have credit card debt, school loans, a mortgage or rent payments, a car loan and a lots of upcoming holiday bills. You also have NO idea where your money is going and how to get everything organized.
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s Best Budget Coach, is here to help you get right with your finances in 2017!
We recently met with double-income family (mid-six figures), who lives in a huge house, “owns” two new vehicles, have three children and – no savings, no retirement, no college funds, huge credit card bills and outstanding loans from both sides of the family.
Yikes – that is no way to live your life!
The family has plenty of money coming in – but they were unorganized and would not track their finances. We built them a plan that, within three years, will have them living debt free with savings in the bank.
Three years? Remember, you didn’t get into such deep debt overnight – it took years of living beyond your means to build up all that debt!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC does not sell investments or give financial advice. We simply sit down with you, and your pay stubs, credit card bills, mortgage, etc. – and set up a personalized financial plan and budget for you to:
(1) Get out of debt,
(2) Build an Emergency Fund,
(3) Start tracking your finances,
(4) Start saving!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC is not suitable for those individuals in serious financial trouble, or facing bankruptcy, collection or IRS actions.
Even though the holidays are not quite here – you already have that feeling that you spent too much on gifts. Savor that feeling of dread and let it be the last time your experience it!
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