Paying off student loans is one of the first expenses a new graduate should tackle. Do not treat it as a secondary expense in your budget, focus on it and get it out of your life!
This is how Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, wants you to view your school loan debt and, in fact, all debts in your life. Unless you faced a medical or family emergency requiring you to borrow money, most people use credit cards and debt to pay for things (cars, condo) or experiences (vacations, concerts) they cannot afford. Why live beyond your means?
Carrying debt causes financial stress and will continue to hold you back until you pay off those high interest loans. We know, we have been there!
As an example, our Austin Money Coach convinced some clients to keep paying student loans during the 42-month “Pandemic Pause.” As a result, they made 42 payments directly against their principle, interest free! What a fantastic opportunity. They are now most likely close to having their loans paid off.
That is how we want you to think about your personal finances and we can help you do it.
For only $149, our Austin Financial Coach will meet with you one-on-one via a Zoom Video Conference Call. While sitting at your kitchen table, we will work together to determine your Net Worth, review your spending habits, create a personalized monthly Budget and set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, if needed. We will also review your current retirement savings and introduce you to true online banking.
Sessions with our Austin Financial Coach are intense, so be ready! However, after approximately four hours, you will receive a personalized Budget in fillable pdf format, a Summary of our meeting with recommendations and one free follow-up visit at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark.
The pandemic is over, and they are calling us back to the office. We will help you get financially organized so your only stress will be deciding what shoes are “office appropriate” rather than worrying about credit card bills!
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