Finding financial education in Austin, or anywhere else, is not easy. That is because financial literacy is not taught in high school, college or even at home.
Why? Because people are “afraid” of their finances! They think it is too difficult for them or they are too busy or they are just scared about what they might find out.
Sorry Austin, but it is time to be an adult about your money!
For only $149 Captial Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach, will sit down with you, your financial documents and a big cup of coffee to teach you the basics about earning, spending and saving money. Give us approximately four hours and we will put you on the path to financial freedom.
How do you know if you need financial literacy education? If you cannot answer these questions, you might consider signing up with the Austin Money Coach at Captial Budget Strategies, LLC!
1. What is your salary after taxes, but before any other deductions?
2. How much did you spend on food last week?
3. What sources of income will you have in retirement?
4. When do you want to retire?
5. Should you pay off a credit cards or invest in the stock market?
During our financial literacy session, we will guide you step-by-step on how to organize your finances once and for all! Our Austin Money Coach will assist you in setting up a personal budget, an emergency fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan to pay off your credit cards, school loans, car loans or mortgage.
We can meet you during the week, on weekends or in the evening. We can meet at your office, your home, our home office or any quiet place that has comfy chairs and a large table!
Give us approximately 4 hours and begin your journey to financial literacy and winning your retirement.
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