Yelp requires its business customers to choose a “business category.” The term Finanical Coach is not offered as an option. Therefore, Yelp cannot point you to their “Best Financial Coach in Austin” or finanical literacy.
When you ask Yelp for the Best Financial Coach in Austin, you are directed to high-priced Financial Advisors who may require a minimum balance, $500,000 for example, or require clients to sign up for years of service with high annual fees.
Worst, these Financial Advisors do not have your best interest in mind. Sure, they will give you “appropriate” advice for your situation, but they are not required to give you the “best” advice. It is simply a play on words, in which the clients lose.
Funny how the appropriate fund also has the highest commission for the Financial Advisor!
Captial Budget Strategies, LLC, is Austin’s best Financial Coach, we teach financial literacy. For only $149, we sit down with you for about four hours and provide an unbiased, true opinion your financial status. Then, our Financial Coach works with you to work out the BEST plan forward.
In three months, we meet up again and review your progress. All this for $149!
Using our 2019 Finanical Workbook©, we work thru a series of worksheets that will provide your net worth, your true income, analyze your spending habits, set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, create an Emergency Fund, and build a livable, monthly Household Budget. You keep the workbook to monitor your progress.
Best of all, we give you advice on how to set up your bank accounts to automate your bills and savings – setting your finances on autopilot! Goodbye financial stress!
Our Austin Financial Coach can come to your home, your office or meet at our home-office. We are available during the week, in the evening and even on weekends.
You do not need a Finanical Advisor, they are too expensive and can’t be trusted! You need a Finanical Coach to guide you and the best Financial Coach in Austin is Capital Budget Strategies, LLC.
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