Spring is here and that means graduations from high school, college, graduate school or a PhD program. You should be proud of their accomplishments, but you can also give them a big head start on paying off their school loans or starting their careers.
As a $99 special for graduates and students only, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s Best Financial Coach, will sit down with your graduate and teach them how to handle money like an adult! Or, at least, teach them how an adult should handle their money.
How many students take classes on personal finance, household budgeting or paying off debt? Imagine if someone actually discussed with you the benefits of compounding interest, the difference between wanting and affording something, the truth about credit cards, the importance of an Emergency Fund and the value of household budgeting.
We all would like to go back to graduation and restart our finances, right?
Working with your graduate, our Austin Money Coach will determine their true Net Worth (which could be a negative number), analyze their income and spending, set up a monthly household budget, an Emergency Fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan.
We will even discuss easy retirement strategies that should make them millionaires by the time they retire in 40 years!
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet at their office, their home, or our home office. All we need are comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! We can meet during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
In approximately 4 hours (the equivalent of a college football game), we will set your graduate on a path to financial security and on their way to winning retirement.
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