Can your budget support your family if you were placed on furlough? Unfortunately, that is what 800,000 Federal Government employees are finding out right now.
One way to know you will be financially secure is to have an Emergency Fund (aka a Survival Fund).
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, teaches our clients how to build an Emergency Fund that will support their families for 5 months.
Nondiscretionary (mandatory) expenses include rent, mortgage, car insurance, utilities, food, credit card payments, etc. They do not include cable TV, the cleaning service or SXSW tickets. When you lose your job, and don’t know when you’ll be back at work, all discretionary (voluntary) expenses should stop!
How do you know how much you need?
Simply track all your expenses for a month, eliminate the discretionary expenses, and multiply the total by 5. That gives you the amount you could survive on for 5 months while you look for new employment.
If you are employed, have a good income, but just can’t seem to keep track of your expenses or start an Emergency Fund, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC can help!
For only $149, we will help you set up a budget, create an Emergency Fund, automate bill payments and start a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan for your debts.
We can meet you during the week, on weekends or in the evening. We can meet at your office, your home, our home office or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table!
Give us approximately 4 hours and begin your journey to financial security and winning your retirement.
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