Why should you cut up your credit cards NOW? Because in Austin, too many people use credit cards to buy things they really do not need and cannot afford.
Think about it. If you need to use a credit card, what you are really saying is I do not have the money right now, but I want this item so much that I am willing to borrow money from Visa at 17.3% interest.
Sounds crazy, no?
OK, I understand there are emergencies like car repairs or medical expenses. That is why Captial Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, recommends creating an Emergency Fund. But that is not what we are talking about here.
We are talking about buying that new dress or guitar or having a fancy dinner date on South Congress to impress that new admin assistance in the front office.
Why use a credit card, which adds to our debt, which causes you stress, which causes you to spend more. That is one crazy Austin cycle!
Our Austin Money Coach recommends literally cutting up your credit cards and opening a savings account to put away $25, $50 or $100 a month. I promise you won’t miss it! Pretty soon you’ll have the cash to buy that something you cannot live without.
Need some help getting financially organized? Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, is ready!
For only $149, we will determine your true Net Worth, analyze your spending, set up a Household Monthly Budget, an Emergency Fund, a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan and even give you an idea how well you are doing saving for retirement.
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet at your office, your home or our home-office. We can meet you during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Give approximately 4 hours to our Austin Financial Coach and start your journey to financial security.
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