So your family has a decent income, but you still live paycheck-to-paycheck. For some reason, your money just disappears before the end of the month. Who knows where it all goes?
Unfortunately, when you are spending more than you are bringing in, you have only two choices: (1) Earn more or (2) Spend less.
However, there is a third choice: Get financially organized.
Wouldn’t it be great to spend approximately 4 hours working side-by-side with an Austin Financial Coach and finally get you finances in order?
Now you can! For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, will help you develop a plan
to make sure your money goes where it is supposed to go!
We begin by determining your Net Worth, then we analyze your spending, set up a monthly Household Budget, an Emergency Fund, a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan (if needed) and let you know how well you are doing saving for retirement. Finally, we review your bank accounts and introduce on-line banking and automated payments.
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet at your office, your home or at our home-office. We can meet during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Ready to take the financial stress out of your life? Give us approximately 4 hours and start controlling your money with confidence!
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