It is the middle of August parents, have you packed your kids bags yet?
Millions of students will be heading back to colleges and universities in the next few weeks. Are you confident they can face the financial challenges of school loans, rent, parking, shopping, meal plans, car insurance, laundry, books, school supplies and phone bills on their own? Are they ready for the real life?
The great majority of our clients complain about never being taught financial literacy in high school or by their parents. Here is a chance to break that cycle in your family and help your student build financial confidence.
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best financial coach, is offering our Annual Back-to-School Special for college students (undergraduate and graduate students). For $99, our Austin Financial Coach will sit down with your student and explain how to be an adult with money. Actually, how to be a responsible adult with money! (Some adults are not the best financial role models).
Topics include credit cards, budgeting, student loans, living below your means, retirement savings, time value of money, emergency funds, Snowball Debt Repayment Plans, savings and checking accounts, debit cards, on-line payment systems (PayPal, Venmo, Good Pay, Cash App, etc.) and the amazing science of interest payments!
We will show them why it is so important to start saving for retirement during their first job.
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet your student at his or her home, their office (if they have one) your home or our home-office in Central Austin. We can meet them during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Let your student spend approximately 4 hours with our Austin Financial Coach and get a head start to financial literacy and confidence.
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