Welcome to Austin and congrats on your first job! Sorry about the heat. Now, let’s talk about financial literacy.
Austin’s best financial coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, has met with lots of new grads and first-time employees in Austin. We know what is happening out there!
Want to get an idea of how to handle finances? Try this simple test: Ask the elders in your life (parents, grandparents, professors, bosses, etc.) if they could go back to their first job what finanical decision would they change?
Let me save you the trouble of embarrassing GrandPop – everyone would say they would spend less and save more!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best finanical coach, would like to teach you financial literacy that will save you lots of financial stress and money.
We have a $99 special for recent graduate and students, where we teach you how to handle money like a real adult! (A financially responsible adult that is). Working together, we determine your true Net Worth, analyze your spending, set up a Household Monthly Budget, create an Emergency (aka, “Survival”) Fund and build a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan. We will even give you tips on saving for retirement and introduce you to on-line banking.
By just taking a few steps now, you will be setting your older self up for finanical success and avoid all the mistakes the elders will warn you about. Here are 3 ideas:
RULE 1: Live below your means (income). Let’s say you are used to living with 5 roommates and 1 bathroom. Now you want a one-bedroom with a patio and pool access? Sorry, keep a roommate to save some money and pay off your debt.
RULE 2: Don’t spend all your new income – save it! Some recent graduates purchase brand new cars, take expensive vacations and buy two dogs. Yikes. Remember, there is a difference between “I deserve something” and “I can afford something.” Baby steps.
RULE 3: Get out of debt. Besides your school loans, pay off any credit card debt you have acquired. Remember, if you cannot pay cash for something, you cannot afford it! Live like a junior in college (minus the beer bongs) and put all your extra income towards paying off that debt at 16 – 24% interest.
Good luck! Remember, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC is here to help. Our Austin Money Coach can meet at your office, your home or our home-office. We can meet during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Give us approximately 4 hours and begin your journey to financial security and winning your retirement.
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