Time to be an adult about your finances!
Austin Public Library will sponsor a free financial education class at the Howson Branch, 2500 Exposition Blvd on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM.
A Money Coach from Capital Budget Strategies, LLC of Austin, will provide instruction on how to build a personal budget, create an Emergency Fund, discuss ways to pay off credit card debt and build your financial confidence.
The Money Coach will guide participants through ten worksheets in a Money Workbook which will determine your true Net Worth and Total Debt, explain the importance of an Emergency Fund and help you set up a Snowball Debt Elimination Plan. You will also determine how financially prepared you are for retirement.
This financial class is perfectly timed for the holiday season. Don’t get into even more debt by spending without a plan!
Austin Budget Strategies, LLC offers this free financial education class as a public service. There will be no solicitation for paid financial services.
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