Have a good income, but still feel financially stressed? You are not alone!
Many people in Austin have a great job, a nice car and live in a cool (at least they think so) apartment, condo or house. They swim at Barton Springs, have cocktails on Rainey Street and cannot wait until the next SXSW. Life is great, right?
Well, almost.
Even though they make a good income, many people are still struggling financially at the end of the month. They constantly worry about money and paying off their credit cards, school loans and that personal “loan” from their parents. What can they do?
Sorry, it is time to act like an adult with your money!
The Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, can help you get financially organized. Together, we will determine your true Net Worth, review your Spending habits, set up an Emergency Fund, create a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan (if needed), and create a personalized Monthly Budget. Plus, we will introduce you to the world on on-line banking and let you know how well you are doing saving towards retirement.
Best part – the total cost is only $149. This includes the initial session and one follow-up session at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark. Our initial session includes and in-debt discussion about how you think about, use and save money – it is pretty intense and takes approximately 4 hours. However, when you leave you will have all tools ready to begin your journey to finanical
We can meet at your home, your office or our home-office in Central Austin. We can meet during the day, in the evenings and even on weekends. We are nonjudgmental and will speak honestly with you about your concerns.
When you are ready to finally get financially organized contact Captial Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach.
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