How do you know it is time to get serious about your finances? Well, if you just read the title of this blog and said, “That sounds interesting,” it is time!
For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, will sit down with you, your bank statements, your bills, your pay stub and any other financial statements you have and conduct a complete financial review. Our Austin money coach will work with you step-by-step to organize your finances once and for all!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, will help you set up a personal budget, an emergency fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan. We will meet at your office, your home or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! Our Austin money coach will meet you during the week, on weekends or in the evening.
Give Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, approximately four hours of your time and we’ll change the way you think about your finances. Time to be an adult, sorry to say.
Here are some other warning signs that you need to get serious about your finances:
(1) You just graduated college, moved to Austin, Texas and started your first real adult job and receive an adult paycheck. However, you are confused about how to get organized about paying rent or mortgage, car insurance, credit cards, school loans, car loans and save for retirement.
(2) You just got married and purchased a house in Travis Heights. Now you are thinking about starting a family. You are unsure how to be financially responsible for more than one person. Do I save for my future kid’s college or fund my 401(k)?
(3) You have been doing fine in your career, but when you head out with your friends for dinner on South Congress, you really don’t know what you can afford. Should you buy a Lone Star or can you afford a Tanqueray No. Ten and tonic?
(4) You have a great job at a cool tech startup that you LOVE! The pay is good, so why do you still have all those credit cards bills? And how come you get so nervous when the credit card bill arrives?
(5) You get upset when you think or talk about your personal finances, so you simply avoid it all!
For only $149 and the time you usually spend watching TV per night, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, will change how you handle your finances and how you think about money! Wouldn’t that be a relief!
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