How to Attend College for FREE
Is it possible to attend college for FREE? Yes it is and your kid will even get some real life experience in the process.
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach, deals with many clients who are simply trying to pay their rent, a car payment, a few credit cards and save for a child’s college. However, even though they have a good salary, they are having trouble paying everything at once.
The typical college student enters college only 3 months after high school. You know your child pretty well, do you think he/she would benefit from waiting 6, 12, 24 or 36 months before higher education? There is a big difference between an 18 and 22 year old student, right?
Here are some ideas to help with college funding:
1. A college degree is not a requirement for a good life. A person really can live a happy, successful life without a degree.
2. There is no requirement to enter college 3 months after graduating high school. Why not work a few years and save for tuition? (In England, they call it a “Leap Year.”)
3. Does your child really have to go to that big, expensive, private school with her best friend? How about a smaller State school and pay in-state tuition?
4. A great option is 2 years at a community college (much cheaper) and then transfer to a four-year institution. Many community colleges have credits that automatically transfer to state schools, such as Austin Community College and University of Texas.
5. BEST choice: Join the military for a few years, get trained, do some exciting things and get a free college education!
Did you know a person can join the US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines or Coast Guard and earn full college tuition, including room and board and books? Even includes the National Guard and Reserves. It is called the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
How does this sound, your unfocused 18 year-old teenager, who loves boats and fishing, joins the US Coast Guard and by the time he or she is 20 has been chasing drug smuggling speed boats in the Caribbean, crossed the Arctic Circle in an ice breaker, saved distressed pleasure boaters in Hawaii, Key West, Boston or New York Harbor. Became a Rescue Swimmer and jumped out of a helicopter in the middle of the night to assist a sailboat crewmember who is having a heart attack.
Three or four years later they can go to school for FREE, go to a military academy, join ROTC or continue on in the new career.
We have plenty of other financial ideas!
For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach, will sit down with you, your bank statements, your bills, your pay stub and any other financial statements you have and conduct a complete financial review. Our Austin money coach will work with you step-by-step to organize your finances once and for all!
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, will help you set up a personal budget, an emergency fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan. We will meet at your office, your home or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! Our Austin money coach will meet you during the week, on weekends or in the evening.
Wow! Imagine you kid coming home that first Christmas break and running into some high school friends on 6th Street. Why they are talking about math class and football games, your son will be telling them what it feels like to be stationed in Italy and parachute out of a helicopter.
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