Many people in Austin, unfortunately, only survive living paycheck to paycheck. If their pay is disrupted (with a Federal government shutdown, a labor strike or personal injury or sickness), they have serious trouble paying monthly bills.
Remember, people from all economic levels live in fear of having their paycheck run out before the end of the month.
How to stop this cycle?
The choices you have are not going to be easy. They are going to change your lifestyle for a while, but think of the joy of actually saving money every month rather than wondering where it all went.
You did not get in your current financial situation in one week, one month or even one year. Therefore, you are not going to get out of quickly. It will take sacrifice and dedication, but, you can do it!
You really have only two choices: (1) Lower your spending, or (2) Increase your income.
There are many ways to lower your monthly spending. You can cancel your cable TV subscription, cancel your gym membership, get a roommate, become a roommate, sell your car and buy a cheaper model at CarMax, bring your lunch to work, avoid happy hours or cancel Netflix.
How can your increase your income? Get a part-time job (Papa John’s pays about $15/hour), have a garage sale, walk dogs, become an eBay retailer, join Uber or Lyft. Yes, it will change your lifestyle. But it will also change your financial lifestyle for the better!
If you need some help figuring this all out, contact Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best money coach. For only $149, we sit down with you, your bank statements, your bills, your credit cards, and your pay stub and conduct a complete financial review.
We work with you step-by-step to organize your finances once and for all! Our Austin Money Coach will help you set up a personal budget, an emergency fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan (if you need one).
We can meet during the week, on weekends or in the evening. We can meet at your office, your home, our home office or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! Our Austin money coach will meet you.
Give us approximately 4 hours and begin your journey of breaking the month-to-month cycle!
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