Do you worry about money? Do you have no idea where your income goes every month?
How can that be when you are well educated, make a good income, live in a great Austin neighborhood and drive a really nice car? Why do you never have enough money at the end of the month? Why does it seem you will never be able to save for a house, let alone retirement?
Most likely, the “problem” is you are not financially organized. But you can be!
For only $149, an Austin Money Coach from Capital Budget Strategies, LLC will sit down with you and conduct a complete financial review and money makeover. Just give us approximately 4 hours and together we will build a Money Map to reach a debt-free life of financial security.
Our step-by-step process will help you see exactly where your money goes and let you know who is getting it! First, we value all your assets and liabilities to find your net worth. Then we determine your true monthly income, list your monthly and annual expenses, look at your debt (credit cards, school loans, car payments, and mortgage), set up and emergency fund and, most importantly, create a personalized budget.
If you have debt, we will set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan and determine exactly when you will pay everything off. You know that $950 a month you pay to Visa and Master Card every month? Think what you will do with that money once your debt free!
Our money coach can meet in your office, your home or any other quiet location during the day, on weekends or in the evening. So get some coffee, a comfortable chair, your pay statements, your banking account information, car loan statements, credit card statements, investments and all your monthly expenses.
For the price on one Friday night out on South Congress, we will put you on the path to financial freedom!
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