Live Way, Way Below Your Means
Our Austin Money Coach wants everyone to live “below their means.” Way, way below their means actually!
OK, but what does “means” mean?
Look at it this way, if you bring home (your take home pay after taxes and deductions) $3,000 a month, your means is $3,000. To live below your means, you would set up a personal budget to live on $2,900 a month. To live way, way below your means, you would set up a budget to live on $2,750 a month.
Here is how you would do it:
Step 1: For only $149, Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Money Coach will sit down with you to develop a personalized, household budget that divides up your income so that all your bills (rent, mortgage, car, utilities, food, etc.) are paid, you are putting maximum into any debt repayment (i.e., credit cards or school loans) and you putting money aside for an Emergency (aka: “Survival”) Fund.
Step 2: Cut up credit cards and use only cash or debit cards. Remember, if you cannot pay cash for something you cannot afford it! Sorry, but if you want to afford something, you might have to earn more or spend less.
Step 3: Keep funding your Emergency Fund until you have $1,000 saved.
Step 4: Next focus on paying off all your debts, except the mortgage.
Step 5: Finally, staying within your budget, start dividing your income between building up your Emergency Fund and whatever else is important to you: saving for that new car, your child’s education, a wedding or retirement.
If you feel overwhelmed by this process, contact Capital Budget Strategies, LLC. For $149, our Austin Financial Coach will determine your true Net Worth, then help you set up a Personal Monthly Budget, an Emergency Fund and a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan. We will even give you an idea how well you are doing saving for retirement.
Our Austin Financial Coach can meet at your office, your home, our home office or any quiet place that has comfy chairs, coffee and a large table! We can meet you during the day, in the evening and even on weekends.
Give us approximately 4 hours and begin your journey to financial security and winning your retirement. Get more information at: AustinMoneyCoach.com
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