Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, the best Financial Coach in Austin, Texas, can help you become retirement ready!
Our program is simple, we meet with you one-on-one via Zoom Video Conferencing and conduct a deep dive into your personal finances. Together, we determine your current Net Worth, your true Income and Spending habits, explain and set up an Emergency Fund and a Survival Fund, help you sort out your debt (credit cards, school loans, personal loans, etc.), explain your Credit Report and introduce you to Social Security.
Our session costs only $149 and they are intense, so be ready. Plan to spend approximately 4 hours online, but by the end, you will have the knowledge and the power to take control of your financial destiny. We can meet anytime, including weekends. Plus, the cost includes one follow-up session at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark to see how well you are doing.
One topic we discuss is Social Security (SS). Yes, this is a complex issue, but we explain the basics in simple terms and show how to set up a personal online SS Account with the Social Security Administration, where you can obtain a free Social Security Statement (SSS). Never heard of a SSS? Do not worry, during our session we will show you one and explain all the great information about the benefits you have earned during your working career.
Did you know, based on your birth year, you can begin receiving SS payments around age 64 or delay payments all the way to 70? And for every year you delay, the value of your benefits rise 8%. Your SSS also explains survivor benefits and the Medicare Health Program for those 65 and over.
Sorry, time to be an adult about your personal finances. Let Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, and Social Security help you get Retirement Ready!
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