OK, so you have a job, a pretty good income and you live in Austin, Texas! What could be better?
How about living without fear of your finances?
I get it, many successful Austin employees are way too busy to sit down every month to pay the credit card bills, school loans, mortgage or rent and start saving for the future. Too much to worry about.
Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Advisor and Money Coach, can help you get totally organized for only $149. We will sit down with you (and your spouse if you have one) and work step by step to create a personalized budget, set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, open an Emergency Fund and help set your finances on autopilot.
Give our Austin Money Coach just three to four hours of your time and you will be on the path to becoming fearless about your finances! That is the equivalent of one night’s worth of TV watching, right?
Austin’s best Money Coach can meet with you during the day, in the evening or on weekends. We can even come to your office! All we ask is that you bring all your credit card bills, school loan receipt and a willingness to change your attitude about money.
Stop knowing more about your favorite college football team than you do about your credit cards, 401(k) or IRA! Time to be an adult about your financial future!
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