Many of our clients earn a good income, but simply are too busy, or too nervous, to deal with their own finances. We understand the hesitation. Along with managing a family, maybe caring for parents and working fulltime, who has the energy to pay the rent, car loans, school loans, credit cards and get financially organized?
The Financial Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC, Austin’s best Financial Coach, has an idea – let us simplify your financial life. We will walk you through the process of organizing your finances, automate your bill paying, set up a Snowball Debt Repayment Plan, build a personalized monthly budget, an Emergency Fund and simplify your life!
Remember when you had to study for a math test in school and suddenly realized you needed to clean the fish aquarium? What you were really doing was avoiding something you thought would be difficult, confusing and painful. Some people feel that way about their finances, but our Money Coach will fix that!
Our process is simple but works wonders. Our Austin Money Coach meets with you via Zoom Video Conferencing for about 4 hours and really dives deep into your finances. We also discuss your spending and saving habits and introduce you to the wonders of online banking. We are nonbiased and have the attitude of never looking back at past financial mistakes, including our own!
We charge a one-time, flat rate of $149, payable by Venmo, PayPal or check. The price includes a follow-up visit at the 1, 3 or 6-month mark to check your progress and answer any questions. However, we are always available by email or phone to discuss your ideas or answer questions at no additional cost.
Give us just 4 hours and we will change the way you think about, deal with and understand your finances. Contact the Money Coach at Capital Budget Strategies, LLC and begin your journey to financial freedom.
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